WHEW! Where in the world did September go? I find myself LOVIN' LIFE and, with that being said, I have not made time to post. SO, here is a our "SEPTEMBER REVIEW" in a nut-shell with a few pictures. I won't bore you with ALL of the pictures I took, so I just included some favs of mine! :0)
The first of September, we traveled to Red River with Dent's family to celebrate the long Labor Day weekend. With all the craziness of school of starting, getting back into a routine, and STILL fighting the hot temps...the mountains was the perfect place to go for some relaxing and fresh "COOL" air. At Red River we played at the park, wadded in the river, rode the ski lift, rented a bike to tootle around town in (WHAT A WORK-OUT for the ADULTS), ate way too much YUMMY FOOD, and did a little shopping. AND...Conley popped out his first tooth during the trip. WHO-HOO!!!
Who's up for some bike riding?!?!
The whole "FELIX" crew...
Conley enjoyed "DRIVING" in the moutains. HA!
The SWEETEST...Adlee and her daddy together!
Next...September means "FALL" is quickly approaching so we decorated pumpkins for our front porch!!! This year white pumpkins were the BIG HIT. Adlee wanted a rainbow designed pumpkin and she did a fantastic job created her rainbow colored pumpkin. I decided to do a football pumpkin for Conley and he LOVED it. Well, let me rephrase that...I LOVED it! ;)
It was so fun getting to do a BOY themed pumpkin this year. Although Conley slept through the pumpkin painting process...he enjoyed playing with it the next day. :0)
What to paint? What to paint?
Adlee had her first field trip to the Pumpkin Patch with VCA. We enjoyed playing in the corn pit, picking the perfect pumpkins, and running through the maze with all her little friends

I LOVE my sweet lil' punkin!!!
After the pumpkin patch...we made it home just in time to get "SASSY" for the homecoming pep rally. It was Adlee's first pep rally and she was excited to see her favorite cheerleader/babysitter, Macayla, pose with two sweet girls (Haylee and Abby) from my classroom, and LOVED getting to pose with her daddy before heading to the big game. GO BIG RED!!!
"FALL" SMILES from the kiddos...

AND...a little update on Conley and his "TEETH"...YES, TEETH! Conley has popped out "4" teeth, two on top, two bottom. He has been a trooper through it all and he has learned to tolerate the pain. I know teething is NO FUN...Poor Baby!
You can see his 2 bottom teeth in the below photo. :0)

Each day I "FALL" more and more in LOVE with the PUNKINS in my life. I LOVE YOU!!!
Beautiful photos, cute kids, blessed family.
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