Monday, August 9, 2010

This and That...

Here lately we have been soaking up all the SUMMER FUN we can...
Cheer Camp, Crazy Sandwiches, and Hugs for Mom!!!

We'll start off with Cheer Camp!!! Adlee attended her first Cheer Camp and loved it:-) After the first day, she came home singing, chanting, and dancing. Plus, a few "CRAZY" days were thrown in there such as Crazy Hair Day and, of course, Red and White Day to end the fun camp. On the last day, Adlee was blessed to be able to perform in front of several family members and even received her first flowers. Dent and I were very impressed that she knew the words to each cheer and did a few jumps with the group. We may have a little cheerleader on our hands:-)
Crazy Hair Day!!!
Above...Our sweet little family!!!
Above photo: Boba and Poppy
Below photo: Aunt Jeannette, MeMa, Grams, and Boba (Quite the FAN CLUB)
Our little Cheerleader...Go! Fight! Win!
Thank You MeMa for the beautiful flowers...What a special treat!!! 
Hugs for Grandma Rose...So glad you were able to attend:-)
Now, let's talk about CRAZY sandwiches:-) The other day AK decided to she would be creative and make a GREEN GRAPE sandwich. YES! Just green grapes and a hamburger bun. She was so proud of her creation and it gave Dent and I an interesting lunch conversation! HeHe

Here is the FAMOUS green grape sandwich!!! Who wants one?!?!

Last...I'll end this post with some sweet pictures of Adlee and I. She is such a "LOVE BUG" and her hugs are the BEST! I LOVE YOU MISS ADLEE KAY:-)

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